1. Improper microphone technique: Using the wrong microphone technique, such as speaking too close or too far from the microphone, can result in poor sound quality and negatively impact your audition.
2. Unclear enunciation: Poor diction and unclear pronunciation can make it difficult for casting directors and clients to understand what you are saying, and ultimately hurt your chances of landing the role.
3. Flat delivery: Delivering lines in a monotone, unengaging manner can make you sound uninterested and unprofessional. It is important to inflect and vary your tone to bring life and emotion to the script.
4. Lack of energy: A lack of energy and enthusiasm can make your performance come across as unengaging and uninspired. It is important to bring energy and excitement to your audition in order to stand out from the crowd.
5. Poor pacing: Speaking too quickly or too slowly can make your audition difficult to follow and impact the overall quality of your performance. It is important to maintain a steady pace that is appropriate for the script and project requirements.
6. Inconsistent volume: Inconsistent volume levels can make your audition difficult to listen to and detract from the overall quality of your performance. Maintaining consistent volume levels is crucial for a successful audition.
7. Failing to follow directions: Not following the instructions provided by casting directors or clients can result in a poor audition and lower the chances of landing the role. It is important to listen to the instructions carefully and follow them to the best of your ability.
8. Improper pronunciation of words and names: Mispronouncing important words or names can detract from the overall quality of your audition and demonstrate a lack of attention to detail.
9. Poor character differentiation: Failing to differentiate between different characters in the script can make it difficult for casting directors to understand your range and versatility as a voice actor.
Number 7 is a big one!!